
Scunthorpe Town Centre Shopwatch

Scunthorpe Town Centre operates a Shopwatch scheme, almost 100 businesses are signed up to information sharing protocols and receive photos and information about known shoplifters. The sharing of this information ensures that retail premises know who to look out for and can be proactive before and thefts occur. A great number of these shops hire a radio to assist with quick communication between them to assist with crime prevention and detection. These radios are also linked to the Security Control Centre where CCTV can monitor any issues.


Scunthorpe Town Centre Shopwatch – New Communication Initiative

As you may be aware, Safer Neighbourhoods is the Crime and Disorder Reduction Department of North Lincolnshire Council and we have been working with Humberside Police to support retailers and reduce crime and disorder in Scunthorpe Town Centre for a number of years by operating a Shopwatch scheme.

Currently, we have a number of shops signed up to an Information Sharing Agreement and these businesses have been receiving paper copies of the Shopwatch poster, with photos of known shoplifters and people of interest. We are now looking to streamline our processes and have developed the below proposal as a way forward.

For more information about the scheme please email: