Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

The MARAC is a meeting between representatives from different organisations in North Lincolnshire to discuss the risk of future serious harm to people experiencing domestic abuse and if necessary, their children.  Their safety, health and wellbeing is considered and this includes providing a safety plan for them and their children.

Why hold a MARAC?

The MARAC is a coordinated response to domestic abuse where professionals share information to obtain a clearer picture. It is then able to provide the necessary targeted help to make the victim and children safer with the aim of reducing the risk of further abuse. The MARAC is important in developing safeguarding action plans for the highest risk cases of domestic abuse.

How will the MARAC help me and my children?

If the agency that you are working with has suggested that your case should be discussed at MARAC, it is because he or she believes you could be at risk of future serious harm due to domestic abuse.  Once they have made a referral to MARAC an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) will contact you to discuss immediate safety planning and how they can support you through the MARAC process. 

At the MARAC agency representatives will work together to provide you with services that meet your needs, and where necessary, those of your children.  They will also agree a safety plan to assist in aiming to keep you and your family safer. 

Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs)

North Lincolnshire has an IDVA service called The Blue Door.  This service: 

  • is for women and men living in North Lincolnshire who are experiencing/have experienced domestic and/or sexual abuse and violence

  • offers support to all the service users of all risk levels

  • provides risk assessment, safety planning and support to service users

  • provides service users with their options, i.e. housing; criminal and civil options; support service users who have to appear in court as witnesses

  • represents service users at North Lincolnshire MARAC by representing their views during the meeting  


All information shared and discussed at the MARAC meetings is confidential.  Every organisation who attends these multi agency conferences must sign the confidentiality agreement before the meeting begins. 

The MARAC will respect the victim's right to privacy and confidentiality.  Any information resulting from the meeting will be kept secure and not shared with the perpetrator.  

Any decision to disclose information at the MARAC must be necessary, justified and proportionate to risks identified.  

How can I refer cases to MARAC?

Any agency can refer a case to MARAC if they have assessed a client as high risk, the referral should take place as soon as possible. The Safer Neighbourhoods '5 Minute Guide to MARAC' gives more detailed information about how to refer and the forms required.   A MARAC Referral should be made direct to the MARAC Coordinator on the MARAC Referral Form.

Once a referral to MARAC is received by the Coordinator an automatic referral to The Blue Door specialist domestic abuse support service is made.  Once The Blue Door Service Manager is aware that a new referral has been received an IDVA will be allocated to the case and contact with the victim will be sought within the next 48 hours.  

When agencies make a referral into MARAC they must also consider any children that are involved with the case (victim, perpetrator or listed children), and either share information with the Single Access Point at Children's Services (01724 296500) or make an immediate referral in.  


SafeLives also have some useful toolkits designed to help various agencies who sit on MARAC.



Contact details

MARAC Coordinator

Kristy Burns

01724 244657

07717 587478


Training for professionals is available through the LSCB and The Blue Door (see Training flyer) or also in-house for your agency by contacting the MARAC Coordinator. 

For training on domestic abuse, risk assessments and impact on children then follow the link for the LSCB training available on these subjects.


5 Minute Guide to MARAC

Agency Referral Form to MARAC and The Blue Door

MARAC Referral Procedure

Confidentiality Statement

MARAC Meeting Dates

SafeLives Recommended Checklist

Openings and Contacts for North Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Services

MARAC Awareness Training at The Blue Door


SafeLives Top Tips

Limiting Long-Term Illness (LLTI) and Disability

Re-form Programme     ReForm_Referral_Form_V2.doc

Websites of Interest

TheBlue Door

SafeLives (formerly CAADA)

North Lincolnshire Council

Vimeo - What is a MARAC?

Vimeo - The MARAC Meeting: Action Planning

Vimeo - The MARAC Meeting: Roles and Information Sharing

Local Services


Opening   times

Telephone   number





Private and   confidential service for children and young people


0800 11 11

National   Domestic Abuse Helpline 24 hour


Domestic   Abuse Helpline


0808 2000   247

The Blue   Door, Scunthorpe and North Lincolnshire

Domestic and   Sexual Abuse support

The Blue   Door, Laneham Street, Scunthorpe

9 – 5 apart   from Bank Holidays and weekends

0800 197   4787


Women’s   Refuge

North Lincs   Refuge

9 – 5 apart   from Bank Holidays and weekends

01724 289299