Antisocial Behaviour and Criminal Damage

What is Anti Social Behaviour?  

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is a broad term that is used to describe a number of different types of behaviour that can have a negative impact on local communities. Terms such as nuisance, disorder and harassment are also used.

Examples include:

  • nuisance neighbours
  • Unacceptable behaviour and intimidating groups taking over public spaces
  • vandalism, graffiti and fly-posting
  • people dumping rubbish and abandoned cars
  • begging and anti-social drinking
  • misuse of fireworks
  • reckless driving of mini-motorbikes.

The responsibility for dealing with ASB can be shared between a number of agencies but particularly the police, local authorities, registered social landlords, private landlords and a number of others.

Criminal damage can cover many things from throwing an egg at your house to scratching a car with a key. The official definition is criminal damage is any damage which has been caused by an individual intentionally or recklessly to property belonging to another without lawful excuse.

The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 was introduced to put victims at the heart of how we deal with ASB. It reduced the number of powers available to six new powers that were designed to give professionals the flexibility to deal with a given situation quickly and encourage multi-agency working to help alleviate ASB within local communities.

The six new powers

As part of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime & Policing Act 2014, steps have been taken to reform anti-social behaviour legislation.

New tools and powers are now available for North Lincolnshire Council, Humberside Police and key partners to respond to anti-social behaviour (ASB).

Community Remedy

The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 requires that each local policing body prepares a Community Remedy Document for its policing area. 

ASB case review formally -

The Community Trigger

The ASB case review formally The Community Trigger gives victims and communities who are suffering from anti-social behaviour the right to ask that their case be reviewed if they feel that their complaint has not had an adequate response. 

It is designed to make sure those agencies within the Community Safety Partnership work together to try to resolve anti-social behaviour within its locality.